Papaz Kula (part of the fortress wall)
The medieval town Jajce occupies a conical hill crowned by a 14th century citadel and around the old city runs the fortress walls with several gates leading into the old town. One of the main gates, the Banja Luka gate, had damages in the fortress wall above the gate opening due to poor repair. The wall had large cracks and parts of the wall had started to fall down. When this kind of erosion once has started it will continue and therefore the wall was in great need of restoration.
The municipality contacted CHwB with the question if they could undertake a restoration of the wall. Additionally it was necessary to engage experts in stone conservation from Sweden.
The aims were to continue the re-establishment of one of Bosnia-Herzegovina’s historically most valuable townscapes and to improve the competence regarding stone conservation. This knowledge and experience could be used on the other parts of the fortress wall enclosing the old city core of Jajce, as well as on other stone structures in the country.
Documentation report from the restoration works:
Jajce Fort Designation by The Commission to Preserve National Monuments in Bosnia Herzegovina:

Stadsmur efter restaurering med hydrauliskt kalkbruk/City wall after intervention with hydaulic lime mortar

Stadsmuren före restaureringen/City wall before intervention

Krennellering efter restaureringen/Crenulation after intervention

Uppmurade stenar som lossnat på krennelleringarna från 1960-talet/Fallen crenulations back in place

Krennellering före restaurering 2005/Crenulations before intervention in 2005

Stadsmur vid Papaz kula och Banja Luka Gate efter restaureringen/Northern wall and Papaz kula after intervention

Stadsmur vid Papaz kula/Fortress wall adjacent to Papaz kula

Norra stadsmuren vid Banja Luka gate efter restaureringen/Outer side of northern wall after intervention

Samma ställe före restaureringen/Same place before intervention

Stadsmur och fortifikationen i Jajce/Site plan of the fortress of Jajce

Plan av Papaz kula, uppmätning av Basler på 1950-talet/Plan of Papaz kula after documentation by Basler in the 50's.

Sektion genom Papaz kula och vy av Banja Luka Gate, uppmätning av Basler på 1950-talet/Section through papaz kula and view of Banja Luka Gate, documentation by Basler in the 50's

Plan av Papaz kula och murdel/Plan of Papaz kula and part of the northern wall

Vy mot söder av Papaz kula och Banja Luka porten/View towards south of papaz kula and Banja Luka gate

Detaljer av krennelleringarna/Details of the crenulations